Since my last post in July 2012, I had been battling Achilles tendinitis (incurred in April) and finally decided to stop running and get it looked at. Since in a sense this blog is just a posting into the ether (unviewed) silence would not be a problem. Any way, first it was 2 weeks of PT (eStim, ultrasound, and stretching exercises) and that got me back to at least being able to run some track at moderate speed (slow) without driving home in pain. However, continued casual runs still resulted in tender to touch, so finally I went to a chiropractor. Left side issues (calf in the past) said to me -- out of alignment or something. Cutting to the chase, the most effective treatment for the Achilles was the Graston technique (scraping the effected area with an instrument of mild torture.) My Achilles had developed an extensive thickened bulge over the months of running and sports activities since the initial injury in April. After 4 treatments the bulge was substantially reduced and I could run again. Yea.
I returned to group runs a few weeks before Thanksgiving and ran my first race since September on Thanksgiving Day. No Achilles problem! I have done 3 more races since then, in not so hot speed, and figured I could work my way back.
Until the last race. Reindeer Romp 5K in the midst of my herky jerky sprint - slow jog routine, something went awry at the back of my thigh -- it felt as if something was tangled ---- hurt below the knee, behind the knee, and in the hamstring area. Ugh!
Stopping and stretching did not help. I finished the race in a quite slow jog. GRRR. Did I mention I was freezing while waiting for the start of the race? Actually shivering.
I did some slow jogging on the next day and it hurt a little. Then, I blew it by playing pickleball and in the 4th game the hamstring had had enough when I once again lunged forward. Back to square one. So now I am somewhat back in a partial hibernation. I will slow jog when I can. Stretch, use the roller, etc etc.
I'd say this was a crone issue -- aged tendons muscles and the like, except that younger folk also seem to incur these injuries. Maybe they are really old people in young bodies?