Fan or athlete – what’s more fun?
You like Olympic track and field sports? The more local USATF National events, be it
for the youngsters or the Masters, are the little cousins of the BIG
event. One can find the same
anticipation, nervousness, energy, and love of the sport as at the
Olympics. Sure the fan base is smaller and you won’t find the same marks
as at the Olympics (though the Juniors and non-Master events can come close)
but one can still get wrapped up in the enthusiasm and competition.
I attended, as both an athlete and fan, the recent USATF
Masters Indoor Nationals held at JDL Fast Track in Winston-Salem, N.C. The site itself is fabulous. The track has a Mondo surface (the only
spikes allowed are ¼ inch Pyramid) and is great to run on. Large enough to host a national event as well
as many NCAA events, the track retains its homey atmosphere. Fans are up close and there is no bad seat in
the spectator section. Even for the
Nationals, there was plenty of room for the athletes on the other side of the
track, and though the warm-up area was foreshortened to make room for two high
jump sections, it was sufficient for warm up.
On March 20th, after my own event, I was
volunteering in the high jump area. What
a well run event. The officials were
right on in terms of keeping the competition moving. Usually, there would be two queued up, one
that approached the jump from the right side and another who preferred coming
from the left. The styles, both just before the jump and the jump itself,
varied as much as the competitors. One
fellow backed up as far as he could into the two track lanes coned off for
these guys while their event was on.
(Only the longer track races were scheduled at the time so runners were
able to cut into the inside lanes just prior to this area.) Then the jumper loped in from the right side
and side jumped over the bar. Another
fellow mentally practiced his jump while waiting – talking to himself, rocking
back and forth and moving his arms.
Almost slo-mo dance motion. One
man approached the jump at a decent speed, only to slow just prior to his leap,
then push off and up. At times, I was
surprised that some of these techniques actually worked.
While there, I was able to observe the women’s 3000m. As such, I saw Sonja Friend-Uhl (W43) as she
passed by on the back stretch. Right off the bat she took the lead and from
that point on it became a race of who was going to be lapped next. I saw her talking to herself (or the other
runner?) as she passed one competitor. Peter Taylor, announcer, indicated that she
was closing in on the existing American record of 9:51.60. When Friend-Uhl hit the final home stretch, (Peter:
And here she comes!) she put on an
astonishing burst of speed and ripped down the track to the Finish. Fast enough
to set a new, to be authenticated, American record time of 9:50.37.
Irene Obera, the Phenom |
Announcer Peter Taylor before the fun began March 20th |
One lady I took note of was Rose Green (W76). She set a new American record in the 60m,
though I could not tell from my vantage point at the time. Later, she came close to breaking the record
in the 200m as well. (Jeanne Daprano (W78),
the pro, took her in the 400m.) However, on Sunday, I saw her running in one of
the relays (in the W60-69 herd) as she rounded the back stretch corner. Wow!
She was fast! I can’t wait to see her run with Kathy Bergen, who has now
entered the same age group.
The only problem
with also being an athlete is that one misses an awful lot while warming up or
hanging out by the check-in area. I
guess being both fan and participant means one can’t be satisfied!
After loading up on
vitamins and a protein shake, I left for Winston-Salem Friday morning March 20th. I had decided to commute the one and 3/4 hour
drive each day and was thankful that our snows and lousy weather had departed
for the season. I had no problem finding
parking at JDL Fast Track (on any of the 3 days.) Once inside, I had my spikes checked and was
able to declare for my first event, the 400m.
I found where the Piedmont Pacers were located, but before I warmed up,
I felt a twinge in my left calf.
Huh? Not expected. Well, okay, then. I eased into my butt kicks etc and slow trots
and I was fine. Previously, I had
checked the list of other competitors in my AG in this event. I knew that Mary Robinson would be a tough
and fast competitor and I took note of Marie-Louise Michelsohn’s listed mark
and knew she was in a class above. (Like running with Kathy Bergen again – who,
btw, was not at Indoors.) Reading about
Michelsohn, I saw that she was far more disciplined than me in training and
certainly in distance. Of my three races, the only one Michelsohn wasn’t in was
the 60m. Though Barbara Hensley’s listed
mark was a bit slower than I’d run at JDL in February, that was no guarantee of
As I trotted around the track , I met Marie-Louise,
recognizing her by her sun glasses. She
had gone to Bronx High School of Science, a school I had wanted to go to so we
talked about that. During our trot around,
she told me that in December, she had broken her femur. What! And she was here running? She said she was in France at the time and
that on Christmas Eve she was having a screw put in her leg. Good God Almighty! Not quite three months ago. She was not limping or favoring her leg. Amazing!
Starting area officials |
I was assigned Lane 5 for the 400m, Marie-Louise was in 4,
and Mary in 3, with Angela in 1. I’m not
sure where Barbara Hensley and Jane Simpson were I only know about Marie-Louise and Mary
because they both came up on me once the race began. Marie-Louise caught me before we were even
half way up the back stretch during the first 200m. Mary then moved up close as we rounded the
bend and the cones ahead which denoted when we could move from our starting
lane assignments over to lane one.
Marie-Louise moved over, I started moving in from lane 5 but Mary was
faster and was right there and into lane one before I had my act together. We were too close for me to get into lane one
without cutting Mary off, so I stayed in lane 2 going into and around the back stretch.
Duh! Why did I not think of at least
moving over to 1? Being behind Mary in lane
one would be better than being adjacent in two!
As we approached the final turn, I think I mentally conceded. No way would I catch Marie-Louise nor Mary.
This little mental glitch probably slowed me. I did not push to exhaustion,
though I then moved to lane one. Why?
Probably slowed me even more.
Hah! And that is how my 400m
went. Third, and still breathing.
Peter Taylor announcing |
Saturday the 21st brought the 60m. I followed the same routine as regards warm-up,
but adding practice starts, since my non-block starts are so-so (but better
than my standing starts.) I learned a
new stretching technique from Jane Barnes (let’s hope I remember it!) Using my
Fitbit, I checked my pulse rate out of curiosity. It was 93. Ann Carter who has beaten me in the past wasn’t
there and that was a disappointment (turns out she has bronchitis and was just
doing her favorite events – the jumps).
Another listed competitor, one I did not know, Marilyn Mitchell, did not
show. So there Mary and I were, assigned
adjacent lanes, sitting on the queueu bench while those older (and some
faster!) ran ahead of us. And, gosh, the
older ones used blocks (Irene Obera, of course! And others.) I checked my pulse rate: 106. Just sitting! Then, it was our turn. Mary was to my right and Jane Simpson, to my
left. I remembered which knee to put
down and where, and at the “Set” to swing the correct arm up. (This was an improvement over February when I
remembered everything incorrectly!)
Bang! No thinking needed in the 60m.
Just go as fast as one can. And breathe.
As expected Mary led us out and I had to play catch-up. I reached her and we ran side by side down
the short runway, seeming to cross the Finish line together. Exhilarating!
Mary thought it might be a tie. I
had no idea, but felt good that I had run all out. Mary won by 1/100th of a
second. It was a great, fun, race.
Mary Robinson Angela Staab Barbara Hensley LG 4x200 |
And now comes Sunday.
Again with the warmup. Angela
decided to pass up the 200m, saving her knees for the 4x400 (she was going to
do the 800m “for the team”!) That left
five of us in the 200m: Marie-Louise Michelsohn (who had run her legs off these
past few days by running the 400m, 3000m, mile, and 800m and the 4x200m relay
with the 65 year olds! All, after her
December leg injury. Guess it is never
say STOP!) Mary Robinson, Barbara Hensley, Jane Simpson, and me.
The night before I had imagined that I might end up running
with Marie-Louise on one side and Mary on the other. After being passed in the 400m, I had only one recourse: go all
out from the git go and hope to hold on to the end. Probability was that I
would lose steam just after 100m, but so be it.
I was assigned magical lane five again, Marie-Louise Lane 4, and Mary
Lane 1. While awaiting the starting process, I tried to calm down and get my
breath. There are times when I feel as
if I am not getting enough air. It is a
crazy thing and the feeling is only satisfied when I can feel the air at the
back part of the throat, deep down. Not
easy. This time it did not happen. Not a good sign. I needed a distraction. I
looked at the starter in her red shirt (she was also the lady who kept track of
runner laps in the 4x400m later), the infield, etc. Then it was time. Into my crouch I went, at the Set I took a
breath and at the gun took off and ran at maybe 95%. Whatever it was, it was faster than I
normally start off. Towards the end of
the back stretch along comes Marie-Louise.
Oy! We round the bend and proceed
next to each other. I’m hoping to not go
poof and lose either energy or have my legs turn to rubber. Mentally, I’m determined
not to slow down. She is right on me! I
pumped my arms faster. I’m going all out,
the Finish line is approaching. It seems
she may have an inch on me. We hit the
Finish and I have no idea who won until I have sense enough to look up and see
my name at the top. Mary steamed in
right after us. I won by 4/10th
of a second. A step?
200m race to the line |
The video of the race:
Marie-Louise said her leg (not the previously injured one)
had buckled and this had never happened before. (well, shoot, look at all the
events she ran!) Mary said she saw it
too. That is probably when I got my step
lead. (Looking at the video it is hard
to tell. I see her arm shoot up and
that’s it.) She was okay after the race,
but I know these things happen.
Sometimes in practice I’ve felt as if a leg is going out from under me. In
Marie-Louise’s case it could be that she is unconsciously putting more pressure
on that leg, compensating for a residual problem with the other. Plus all the prior races.
4x400 LG Barbara Hensley Angela Staab Mary Robinson |
Our non-club relay team wanted to run it as well. I forced myself to endure the horrid 400m again (could be worse – they could have wanted to run the 800m!) There is an existing American record for our age group (I am not sure if it is club or non-club) of 7:21. I figured with Angela’s bad knees and the rest of us not excited up to running a fast 400m, there would be no way. We ran in the same order as the earlier relay. I was surprised by how well Angela handled her portion. The end result was that we ran it in a time of 7:48.09 Not the record but not bad.
Gathering them for the Relay |
Nolan Shaheed waiting for baton pass |
There is no end to the excitement to be found in a National
event. Having all these athletes, 30 years old and up, competing in multiple
disciplines, makes for non-stop days for the venue staff, officials, and
variety for the fans.
One week later, after a week of Camp Gladiator, and two
social runs, my legs need a rest. But come Sunday, a track practice awaits. No
doubt, I will be a slacker!