Louisville Indoor Nationals. 2023 Norton Healthcare Spots & Learning Center.
Thursday, March 9
Our adventure all had to do with flights rerouted and connections missed (Mary Smith), and where people were actually staying.
The idea of waiting for Mary Smith at the airport, who was supposed to arrive at a similar time as us was not to happen. Fog on her route and rerouting screwed that up. She did not know if when they got back to her original exchange point, Dallas, she would encounter Christel Donley there. Christel had left Colorado after Mary.
Barbara Warren was across the river in Indiana; Cora was supposed to be in the same HOME2 Suites as Angela and I, and we thought the Ohio Marys. Our first disconcerting moment was when Angela told Cora our room number and Cora said she was right at the door. But she wasn’t. Cora was at another Home2 Suites downtown! So she was at the correct room number but wrong hotel.
The drive from our Home2 location near the airport to Cora’s put us on the highway, I-65N. Poor Angela trying to merge in was ignored by speeding drivers. When we got off, we were in downtown heading for S Hancock St to find Cora. We then went to the Norton Healthcare Sports & Learning Center Complex – supposedly only 3 minutes from Cora’s Home2 but not really! We ended up on Jefferson then W Muhammad Ali Blvd. It was a circuitous route and took more than 3 minutes. When we got to the Norton Center, Mary Trotto was leaving as was Barbara Warren.
The track was in its banked position when we entered. It seemed to have a higher degree of tilt than I recalled the Albuquerque track had, but that was several years ago remembered with deteriorating memory cells. Cora and I walked the track. I tried a few short jogs, still mentally hesitant in making any running attempt. The two Ohio Marys showed up while we were there. They made Angela and me happy that, yes, we were at the correct Home2 Suites where they were staying. We were at the track for a bit as some of us socialized. Cora and Angela discussed Cora relocating to our Home2 Suites and the timing of Cora’s return flight home since Angela and the TNT team expected Cora to run all three relays, the last being on Sunday a few hours before Cora was to depart. Angela promised to get Cora to the airport immediately after the relay ended.
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Cora Hill |
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Mary Robinson Mary Hartzler |
Barbara had already said she would pick Christel up at the original arrival time 5:55. Barbara had been to the event site and was going to try to find something gluten free to eat before going to the airport for the new expected arrival time of around 7 pm. Actual arrival was 8pm! Both Christel and Mary were on the same flight. And then Mary Smith could not find the address of the hotel where she was to be staying as her daughter had made the reservation. Several days later she mentioned she had had it in three different places in her belongings. Just too on edge to find it. Christel did end up in our Home2. Once we had learned there were multiple Home2s in Louisville and Cora was at another, Angela and I had worried about which one Christel had booked. The three of us, Cora, Anglela, and I stopped at a Subway (after giving up trying to find parking for a place Cora had suggested). There was just one woman behind the counter. Alone! She was so tolerant of our trying to decide on what to get. I think I had a cheese and veggie sandwich. We worried about her but she said she was from Chicago so could handle herself.
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Christel, tired, at the correct hotel! |
Friday March 10
I was the first down for breakfast. It seems I need a Minder. I had decided on oatmeal so filled a bowl with what I thought was oatmeal, took one hard boiled egg, and grabbed a wonderful biscuit. Yes, I was going to have carbs which I had been avoiding, worrying about being able to fit into the USATF Half Tights. But how could I resist a genuinely perfect Southern biscuit? (I would skip it if it were one of those ham biscuits my softball pals so love.) So, I sit down at a table suitably isolated from others (immune issues caution). I take my first spoonful of oatmeal. Whoa. Quite a surprise. It is not oatmeal. It is the, ugh, gravy with ham bits for the biscuits! Did I eat it all? Yeah, though thinking of the arteries in process of being clogged. The coffee and biscuit were good, though. Angela and Christel came down and had the do-it-yourself waffle. And some egg concoction.
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Angela, Christel, LG |
The only thing Angela and I had today was the 400m. Of all things for my first event! I had hoped to be in better condition when I signed up. But I was a week away from not being able to even get my left leg into the car without curses, ugly scrunched face, and pain. I watched some of the events with Mary Smith in the stands. Women race walkers were on the track. So many different styles it seemed. Some close to a walking mode, whereas others had an exaggerated turkey trot. Kathleen Frable won the 1500m in her age group in 11:03.36.
After, I decided to try to warm up. I was concerned about the mental aspects of trying to get the left leg to move properly. The fear that would result in a stiff non-bending knee. (Even four sessions of preceding PT could not conquer the absolute fear and resistance to attempt to do other than jog.) Mechanics were not there. Plus, the memory of how dreadful the VA Southeastern Masters had been on February 11th was fresh in my head.
The warmup was off to the side of the track. 60m or about that. It was not overly crowded. I walked mostly at first before I attempted to run. Mary Smith warmed up as well, doing classic moves. Mary Robinson had already done a first warmup and later reappeared to do another. Mary Hartzler was outside on the harder surface in the cold. I might have joined her but hard surface was not good for the knee. Eventually, I got to where i tried some very short sprints. Not all out but enough to see I could.
I was in the 400 with Mary Robinson, Mary Smith, Georgia Kightlinger and Angela Staab, in the 80 AG. Mary Hartzler and Cora Hill ran it in the younger AG. The track had been raised into bank position after being flat for the race walkers. Normally I love banked. When I can take advantage of it. But this time I knew that was not to be. In lane 3, I could feel the tilt while waiting for the start. The gun fired and then fired again. Mary Smith had moved a fraction. She got the green card. She was in lane 5. She said the tilt got to her. Angela was in lane 6. Georgia lane 2, Mary Robinson lane 4. I barely recall the event. I started off slowly got around the bend and saw the yellow cones straight across the lanes not far after the curve so one could cut into lane 1 just before reaching 200m. Angela did not cut in immediately, later telling me that her coach said it took fewer steps to cut diagonally. So I did not cut in right away either but figured in my case it made no difference as i was going so slowly. An official motioned that I could cut in so I did but by now I think I was starting to walk. I know for sure that I walked on the backstretch. It was not my knee but my lack of endurance. Breathing was crap. I basically walked the rest of the way until the last 80m or so when I ran. Came in last of course but better than i had in VA on February 11 where I basically limped the whole way for a time of 3:18. Here it was 2:49.
I was actually winded. Angela was having trouble getting her breath, though she said she had done her usual curtsey when she finished. I was not too happy of course because of walking etc. I told her that I was going to scratch out of Poland’s 400. No way would I repeat this there and with only 2 weeks before going, there would not be an improvement. (Angela not ready to accept that.)
Mary Smith won in 1:38.97, Mary R second in 1:46,84, Georgia 2:05.52, and Angela in 2:20,78.
Kathleen Frable in the younger age group won her 400m in 2:05.65.
It was a tight race in the 65-69 age group between Leandra Funk and Susan Lloyd, with Leandra winning in 1:16.36 and Susan 1:16.49. I think Susan is getting better as she ages.
NC local Rick Pack (AG 40) ran the 400 in 56.17, coming in 4th. Now with the Hive (Atlanta Track Club) I rarely see him at track events. One quick Hi as he was hurrying back into the track with two cups of what looked like coffee. Wearing a yellow top. William Rhoad’s favorite color. William is an 80-something renown for running barefoot and doing hurdles etc.
The knee did ache afterwards. I was glad to get my ibuprofen hours later.
Christel had so many people come up to her. She was kept quite busy. Her first event would be the 60m Saturday with me. She looks fabulous though. This has got to be both hard and good. So many memories yet helpful distraction except for when everyone expresses their concern and condolences. She holds up well. For now.
Another experience after we left with Angela trying to find Chipotle for Mary Smith and Cora Hill.
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interesting architecture |
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many places downtown were in disrepair |
Christel and I turned our noses up. Not for us. So Angela got us to Cracker Barrel not far from Home2 where we ordered to go while Angela went off to get ready for her TNT Team dinner. We waited at Cracker Barrel for quite some time. Two old ladies though were well looked after by a young server who was handling take outs. We got the hotel shuttle back to Home2. Christel and I had a delightful meal in room 420. Sweet potato was yum. Christel had a fish fry dish with broccoli and I had chosen a flat meat patty and broccoli.
Saturday March 11
I did not sleep well. Awake at 4am, I managed to stay in bed until 4:45. I needed to take a shower and go eat by 6. Angela was planning to get up at 6. Our first event, weight throw was at 8, to be followed by the super weight. I got to the breakfast area at about 5:55. This time I grabbed the instant oatmeal packet. I added water from the hot water container and also grabbed a biscuit. Quire a surprise when I began to eat the oatmeal. The water was cold. I had gotten it before it had heated up. But the biscuit, of which I think I had two by the time Christel and Angela ate, was wonderful. Along with the coffee.
The weight-throwing event was interesting, watching the other competitors. Gloria Krug just slings it out, others do two or three swings back and forward before releasing the weight out and yet others, like Angela, swing between legs then to the side of her right leg then releasing out towards the ring. Mary Robinson has an easy swing three times with a smooth release. Ours was a mixed-age group. 75-94. Barbara and others were going on and off to their other events. Barbara and Mary Trotto in the same age group battle it out. Trotto winning the weight with a throw of 8.79m to Barbara’s 8.23m. In my age group Mary Robinson won throwing 8.03m to Angela’s 6.28m. Flo Meiler won the contest with Tami Graf 7.38m to 6.10m. Gloria Krug’s best throw was her first 5.74m, farther than my 5.01m.
After the weight came the superweight. 16 pounds. Mary Trotto and Barbara Warren switched places with Barbara throwing 6.25m to Mary Trotto’s 5.92m. The results in the older age group did not change winners.
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Krug, A Staab, Lou G, Mary Robinson, C Radle, Flo Meiler, Tami Graf, Mary Trotto, Barbara Warren |
In the afternoon, I had the 60m along with Christel. Christel had not been able to do much training but came to the Meet as sort of an emotional boost as this is where she has spent so many years, competing and officiating. A track with folks she knows is like coming home to a cocoon. My opinion. We warmed up together for the 60. Though I could pick my foot up, i had no power. I was still reluctant to try running fast (what’s that?) so sort of jogged. Christel gave me some tips, such as keep my head up!
Earlier we had seen Kathy Bergen and her hubby arrive. I was glad to see she made it. As well as seeing Colleen. These California folks have had a lot of dreadful weather issues. Kathy came into the warmup area as I was about to leave. There is only so much I can do and why waste energy. I had arrived at the Meet knowing I was lucky to be able to simulate running but for sure would not be competitive. I missed the endorphin kick from running fast but knew it would not be surging through my body this weekend or maybe ever again. At least not from running.
When the race began, Kathy Bergen was to my left, in lane 3. Georgia Kightlinger lane 1, Mary Robinson lane 2, I was in lane 4, Flo next to me in 5, Christel in 6, and Gloria in 7. They had age progression starting from the left in this mixed age group event. As expected by me, Kathy surged out in front with Mary Robinson and Georgia battling each other. Kathy 10.50, Georgia 12.07 and Mary 12.33. I came in last in my age group 16.33. Slower than either of the 88 year olds (these are not your off the shelf 88 year old folk) Flo or Christel who finished in 14.62 and 14.92 respectively. Close. I thought that Gloria had also beaten me but when I looked at the results I saw that this 91 year old finished in 30.50.
I could not get any speed, but the time was better than my limping 60m in VA.
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Angela Staab 1500 |
Angela ran the 1500, in 11.:48.72 the only one in her age group. Her younger TNT teammates skipped it. Kathy Jacobs (NC) also ran the 1500m along with the famous Kathryn Martin who came in first 5:54.19, followed by Norma Hudnall (ATC) 7:51.61.and Kathy in 9:28.51.
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Terry Ozell |
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Kathy Jacobs |
Christel went off with some relatives later and I returned to the hotel with Angela. She was going to be doing two relays with a planned start at 7 pm. I did not plan to go and watch, recalling the Landover Indoor in which the men’s teams and non-teams ran the 800m ahead of our relays. And we were there forever. (Landover relay situation will be forever memorable.) Kathy Bergen was also going to be running a relay with her team and also recalled Landover. She was hoping it was not going to be a late night because we had the 200m in the morning.
I got the shuttle to Cracker Barrel again after having ordered online first. This time meatloaf, which I probably have not had in more than 30 years, and sweet potato as well as asparagus again. I had not gotten back to my room before Christel texted that she was back and the dining room in 420 was open. She had brought leftovers from her meal with her relatives.
Angela and her TNT team of Mary Trotto, Nancy Berger, Angela and Cora Hill did two relays in the 79AG (Berger and Trotto under 80) Trotto had scoped out that there was no USA or WMA record for an Indoor team relay W75, so they set it. They ran the 4x800 in 22:43.88.
Rick Pack, Jr. ran the 4x800 with his Atlanta Track Club mates, winning the 40-44 Age group in 9:56.03. Rick as anchor had some great splits! (33.20 being one of them) 800 is his specialty, it seems.
In the 4x200 relays, Kathy Bergen’s SC Strider’s Track Club won the 65-69 AG (Kathy giving them oomph by running down in AG) They broke a Club 65-69 4x200 USA record with a time of 2:39.58. Angela and her TNT team established a USA record for Club 75-79 with a team time of 4:01.01.
This made Angela very happy. TNT established records during the Outdoor Masters in July. Angela has found her happy home and brought in Cora Hill as well as Nancy Berger with whom she had run non-club at the Armory last year.
Sunday, March 12.
I made no mistake at breakfast this time. I know I had a biscuit but don’t recall if I tried oatmeal again because again I was early (before the 6 am opening time) Christel was concerned about getting to her HJ competition in time to sign in. It started at 8:15. Angela and I had the 200m at 8:52. As an observer, it is sort of interesting to experience a vehicle ride with Angela (hot blooded driver who does not like heat) and Christel, though from Colorado, who lacks sufficient meat on her bones so feels the cold easily. Once upon a time, I too felt the cold more easily.
Christel got to her event in plenty of time. She won her age group and incidentally tied the World record with a jump of .92m (3’0.25) Kathy Bergen also did the HJ.
Angela and I had shot put along with most of the 75-94 AG throwers. Warren had to run off to other events but she still threw farther than Mary Trotto 7.42m to 7.01m. Mary Robinson was first in our AG with a throw of 6.38m, to Angela's 4.90m. I was third since there were only three of us. In the 85-89 group the competition was between Christel and Flo Meiler as it has been for years. Flo came out ahead this time 5.43m to 5.10m (Christel with a complete shoulder replacement -- ugh!! Not the same as what it replaced.) Gloria Krug threw 4.51m.
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Warren on her tight schedule |
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Mary Trotto can make us happy |
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Gloria feeling cold |
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Christel |
I was looking forward to seeing Kathy Bergen racing with Mary Smith, as I had never seen them race each other. I don’t know that they ever have. I was in the warmup area with both of them. Mary Trotto made me chuckle when she said she was only doing the 200 as sort of a warmup for her later relay so would just ease through it. That was what I figured I ought to do since trying to do anything other than that would just be laughable. Angela had scratched out of the 200 wanting to save her energy for her final relay, plus she had an 800m to do.
Mary Robinson was in lane 2, Kathy in lane 3, Georgia in lane 4, Mary Smith in 5 and I was at the topmost part of the bank in lane 6. I could really feel the tilt so just angled my feet to remain stable. I had no trouble staying in my lane and could not really tell who was in the lead as we ran the backstretch of the 200m banked track. I was aware that I was last. I would have loved to have gained speed coming around that last curve as it banked down but there was no get up and go in me. I sort of ran a steady pace. As if in a road race and not a track event. And so it goes. But I did not walk.
I honestly was surprised that Mary Smith had beaten Kathy and it was not really close. Mary Smith’s time was 39.02 and Kathy’s 41.54. I know Mary had to be experiencing an incredible endorphin rush. She had so worried about this race. But then, she worries even when not pushed. Mary Robinson was third in 45.73 and Georgia finished in 47.16. I came across in 60.46. My knee felt fine. I wasn’t huffing puffing. Just a nice stroll in the park, only it was indoors.
Angela and Nancy Berger of TNT did run their 800m. Cora Hill did not. They had the 4x400 relay to do. Kathy Jacobs, really stuffed up, was going to do the 800m then drive the 7+ hours back home. Yet she ran it, coming in second to Norma Hudnall 3:56.44 to 4:49.04. Kathryn Martin had scratched. Mary Smith and I sat in the stands after the 200m. Christel would pop up now and then, being corralled by officials and other competitors. I did eat two of the nice soft large pretzels. With salt. I also bought a shirt.
Christel and I were instructed by Angela to have our stuff ready to go because as soon as their relay ended she was hustling Cora to the airport. Mary Smith would also be coming along so she was another little duck who had to be ready for mama Angela.
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Angela Staab handing off to Mary Trotto |
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Determined Mary Trotto |
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Mary Trotto handing off to Nancy Berger |
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Cora Hill bringing it home |
TNT women 75-79 did their 4x400 in 9:55.85, establishing a USA record.
Angela set another record getting us out of the Meet and to the airport in plenty of time for Cora to catch her flight. (If there was not a long TSA line or she had pre-TSA clearance. The line each time I saw it was horrendous.)
Apparently, I need to make it clear that I am UNATTACHED. I do not belong to any club. When Piedmont Pacers broke up, Angela went with TNT and I chose to remain Unattached.
It is such fun watching the men run the 200m. As the ages get younger the speed picks up. There was one fellow many were excited to see and had their cells up to record. He is either a current football pro or just retired. Whoever he is he was FAST.
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Willie Spruill at the end of his Meet |
Angela, Christel, and I ended up at Cracker Barrel after abandoning the idea of going to a historic restaurant Mary Trotto had found. Brown Hotel Restaurant. Some of us were tired. Fortunately, Mary had Tami Graf to go with (Mary Smith had also decided not to go – she was in the same hotel as the other two.) We had an exceptionally long wait, I bet it was at least a half hour before getting to our table. Masked up to get to a corner table. And then a long wait for our food. We all ordered steak. This was the best steak (Medium rare) I have had since Toronto.
I ought to make note of the fact that many of the older competitors (I don’t know that many younger ones) were having sinus etc issues. They say indoor tracks kick up particles that really irritate them. And of course because of USADA drug verbotens – can’t take anything for it until the Meet is over and they are on their way home.
We saw many run down areas of Louisville. I have seen similar in Raleigh. Oh, yes, on one of our drives to the track, we passed a street in which homeless tents were edging almost into the street. Around the corner were run down cars also serving as homes. How fortunate we tracksters are to have homes and also to be able to afford to go to these Meets.
So here it is a week later. I have concluded that besides the knee issue my major problem is that I have no muscle mass. The knee had made even walking an issue. Forget running. The only thing I had been able to do the week before the Meet was a recumbent bike. And not fast. There is no way I can gain muscle mass before Poland. The Marks I had indicated when I registered were from NYC Indoor last year. No matter if field or track, I would be last. The competitors are very strong. And now I am even slower. It is embarrassing, imo, to be representing the US in such a poor manner. I would have at least liked to have made a decent showing. I will do as many planks as I can before I leave on the 23rd but in the end I may scratch from all of the running events.
To end on a positive note – congratulations to the TNT women. They set goals and reached all of them. Tweety Bird will be dancing for many months to come.
To all of those still capable of competing – have at it and enjoy every minute.