Though I have been avoiding "distance" events until after USATF Masters Outdoor Nationals, the 4th of July is an exception. One always has to go out and celebrate properly. This year, I returned to one I'd run a few times in the past: Carrboro’s Four on
the Fourth, presented by the Cardinal Track Club. The race starts and ends at McDougle Middle
School on Old Fayetteville Rd. Always a
nice event, with a good turnout, it did not disappoint. I was disappointed that I did not see as many patriotic
costumes as in the past. Perhaps it was the headgear that was lacking. A few had bumble-bee-like stalks with stars,
but no Uncle Sam hats were evident.
I got there a little late for a decent warm-up, but I intended this to be a casual outing any way. I picked up my
race number, along with the jar of Little Red Wagon cinnamon-raisin granola
given to all entrants. Nice, huh; another unique aspect to the Cardinal Track
Club Four on the Fourth. There are two other Le Tour de Carrboro signature races: Carrboro 10K
(October) and Thanksgiving day’s Gallop
and Gorge 8K. I may have to try these
this year just to see what goodies are given out.
I lined up on Old
Fayetteville Rd near some other Carolina Godiva Track Club runners. (Many live in the surrounding area.) Next to me was a legitimate fireman, in all of
his gear, including tank on the back. (Only the young and slightly wacky would
dare run so swaddled in the heat of the summer.
But then, these guys fight hot fires in the hottest weather, don’t
they!) I later heard that, prior to race
start, a whiny runner complained about the heat – until this fireman
walked by! At 8 a.m. race start, it was 72°, dew point at 67°, and a wonderfully drippy humidity
of 84%. Winds varied from over 3 to 5
miles during the next hour.
Off we
I lost sight of the fireman as I
tried to take photos off to the side, ahead of me, and behind (hold camera up,
point back, and hope for a surprise!) As I said, I was not planning to really race. To my right was farmland-like looking
land (turned out to be a park). Carrboro retains a small town feel (population about 21,000) with homes
varying from modest size to classical old Victorian style, on nice slices of
land. (Some small farms are hidden in outlying areas.) This is an art hub, with an independent streak, not
surprising as many folk are affiliated with UNC Chapel Hill.
We ran a little ways along Old Fayetteville Rd
before turning left onto tree shaded residential Carol St. A few people watched us go by. The runners streamed out ahead, along a long downhill dip followed by a short uphill.
With a slight left then short trot to a right
onto Hillsborough St, we entered a mostly flat route. Older, larger, homes lined this road. While on Carol St, I had already passed one lady I knew was in
my age group. (Though
I was not really in competitive mode, I thought that she had previously beaten me
in some race, so I wanted to, well, beat her!) This flat area was welcome
because I knew it would not last. Where Hillsborough St converged with W. Main St, we made a sharp right onto W.
I was beginning to feel an energy
drain. I did not run this course last year, so did not recall exactly how much
farther we had, but it felt as if we’d gone at least three miles. To say I was disappointed when we came upon
the two mile sign does not cover it! My
remaining energy sapped away in a hurry. That's the mental give up and just finish point. (Just like in track, specifically the 400m, when you know you can not possibly get to the Finish!) And of course, at this point, there was a slight uphill incline to the roadway.
Ugh. We came to another right, onto
James St. More homes and now
few runners ahead of me.--one way to tell one is either lagging behind – or way
in front! In my case, lagging! Only one
fellow, in patriotic shorts, ahead.
I used some reserves to catch up long enough to take a photo and then
backed off.
With a left
back onto Carol St, now facing the uphill aspect of the earlier downhill, I
walked and slow jogged. To my left, some
folks partied with music pouring forth from a home set downhill and back from the road. It was still before 9 a.m., so I wondered if
they were drinking plain coffee, or coffee spiked with some historical alcoholic
additive, or morning beer (a John Adams blend for the 4th?)
Finally, back
onto Old Fayetteville Rd. Slogging at
this point. It was still a long way to
the school from my perspective.
croaking, struggling to get to end |
there, I passed through areas of relaxing runners, walking around with their
after race goodies. Down the steps and
onto the track for the ending 300m or so.
Responding to the calls from a running pal to run, I began sprinting – and got maybe 200m before running out of
oxygen and gasping to a walk! I rounded the last curve and made the effort for the
finish, racing another lady to the line.
Done! Dripping wet now. The track area was crowded with runners,
eating watermelon, drinking water, and talking. I ate several slices of watermelon, of which
there was plenty. I also managed to get
one of the last boxes of Bitsy’s Brain Food’s orange, chocolate, and beet
“smart cookies”! (Told you Carrboro was
a brainy, artsy, place!) Yes, they were
yummy! I also found the coffee, but,
alas, there were no cups left, only lids, so I added a little to my bottle of
water. (Not very tasty.)
The awards were
presented. Victor Omelas (29) ran the
four miles in 21:49.84 and Meredith Hale (28) did it in 24:55.35. 756 folks participated in the event with
times from 21:49 to 01:16:05. By the way, the fireman finished in 44:49. Incredible.
Surely, he lost five to eight pounds of sweat. Ah, yes. True story. One young girl, 15, while running along one of the residential streets, was surprised by a deer that popped out
from between homes. The deer, startled at the encounter, jumped onto her back,
knocking her down before running off. Despite this – she got third in her age group! I could see two smudged hoof prints on her back as
she turned after accepting her award.
Each age group
winner got a bag of Carrboro Coffee Roasters freshly roasted Open Eye Awards
blend Four on the Fourth coffee beans (something to race very hard for!) and a
small, handle less, Janet Resmik made pottery
cup, which one could use to consume the coffee.
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