16-18, 2018
to USATF Masters Indoor Championships in Landover, MD, I went
to two indoor meets in Winston-Salem, NC at JDL Fast Track. The
first was a Youth, Open, and Masters Meet, Jan 14, in which
Angela Staab and I went to see how we would do. For Angela, this was her
first meet with her new bionic hip. We were of course the oldest and
stood out among the younger folk. One problem with going to this
combined event was the lack of area in which to practice. Loaded
with high school teams, JDL was packed to the max. It was a bit
chilly outside so my outside practice did not last long. Neither
Angela nor I really warmed up before any of our events. I saw some
swift high schoolers, one being 14 year old, Kendall Harris,
who ran the 800m in 2:31.37 in his first ever track meet! In the
400m there was a 40 year old, an 18 year old (who had turned 19,
ending up being listed as Open) and Angela and I. I ran the 60m and
200m with the 18 year old. I left knowing much work needed to be
done. Angela was happy with her 400m and weight throw but felt some
discomfort from the outing.
second pre-Landover Meet was the SouthEast
Masters Indoor Regionals on Jan 21 at JDL. I did the usual three
events (400, 60, and 200) and shot. I stunk at shot. Among others
that were there were Barbara Warren, William Rhoad, Lesley Hinz,
Lane Wilton and some of her other Carolina Track Club members as
well as our Piedmont Pacer teammates. Atlanta Track Club as always
was well represented. So a week after the initial meet, I did a
little better in the 60m and the 200m but, oh, boy! That 400m! Based
on the prior week's attempt, I had decided to hang back a bit on the
first 200m. I began my speedup just prior to entering the last curve
and felt really strong running the straight away 60m or so. I felt
fast and not out of breath. It felt good. Until I looked up and saw
my time. Almost FOUR seconds slower than the prior week. I was
stunned. It had felt so good coming down the home stretch, feeling
better than I ever had before in a 400m. Yeah, no wonder! I
apparently slogged too much on the initial 200+ meters. Aaargh.
then and the Landover Meet, I practiced on greenways and bridle paths
three times and the track twice. Mostly, I tried some 300s (no 400
for me!) and then 3 or 4 200s and similarly 100s. I also ran a
social five-miler and, the week before Landover, Pie Day Pi K (1.96
miles) in the rain (the reward small apple pie was the incentive.)
up to the Landover event, I lacked enthusiasm. (and still do.)
Basically, I was going through the motions in Camp Gladiator and
life in general.
March 15, I started off for Largo, MD for the Landover Meet. I took
two 8.5 oz. bottles of Coca Cola©
along, in case I began to feel drowsy. (At most, I drank about half
of a bottle during the entire time away.) On my way out of town, I
got a Starbucks Quattro (4 shots of espresso) which I did not start
drinking until an hour into the trip. It took me to Fredericksburg,
Va, without generating a need to make a stop, though I did, also
picking up a Milky Way Midnight Dark bar. In Fredericsburg , at WaWa
(really?) I got a regular coffee for the rest of my trip. I was
grateful for the decent driving weather up to Landover and even more
grateful for the WAZE app which gave plenty of forewarning as to when
one would be moving to the right lanes or left lanes in the mess that
is I-495 around D.C. It did take me off I-95 once to avoid, I
imagine, a tie-up and put me back on later.
arrived at the hotel about the time Angela was landing at Dulles. We
decided that I would go to the event site and see if I could pick up
both of our packets while checking out the drive from hotel to venue
– Wayne K Curry Prince George's Sports and learning Complex.
It was a short trip. Upon first seeing the track, I was impressed.
Viewing it from above, it seemed immense, with the stands and track
I was too early for pickup, so took a walk around the track.
I encountered Lesley Hinz also checking out the track. I was
standing in one of the finish line lanes, 2 or 3, talking for a
minute or two, when I got brushed (bumped) by a fellow sprinting the
lane who said something like “move!” I had not seen him prior to
stopping and talking. This was a younger guy, maybe 40, who was
obviously fast, and IMO, full of himself. When I am practicing at a
track at home and others are out there (Gaelic football players or
others) who stand in my lane as I come around from a 200m or 100m, I
veer around them. This fellow though he had the right to be perhaps
annoyed, was plain rude. There is a NY term, rhyming with muck (no,
not the one starting with “f”!), that applies nicely to him, at
that moment in his life.
the packet pickup area there were oodles of free goodies, including
some sweets and lots of Gatorade©,
plus towels to pick up and stuff into the commemorative bag. George
Melichar, USATF Inclusion Committee, was there providing good
vibes in the crowded area. I had a photo of Angela's license on my
phone but did not need it to pick up her packet. That was good as
then she would not have to rush to get it before pickup shut down for
the evening. We both had the 400m at 10 a.m. so had to be there prior
to 9, to declare. We were concerned about a long early morning queue
to pick up the packet before 9.a.m. It was just as well I got
Angela's stuff because it took her TWO hours by Uber to go from
Dulles to Largo. Yes, it was during peak traffic but it seems she
also got the D.C. Scenic tour (WH, probably Supreme Court and
whatever else was on her route.) It seems they avoided the D.C.
Beltline and took the circuitous way.
It was
near to 6:30 p.m. when Angela arrived. By the time she got settled,
we were both starving. The last I had eaten was my Milky Way and an
apple. Before Angela even got there, she was texting me to find a
good place to eat. Me – who knows from nothing! She wanted me to
ask at the desk. We did that once in Baton Rouge, I think, and ended
up with a so-so meal. Instead, I did a google search and came up
with Old Towne Inn in Largo.
It was
a simple drive to Old Towne Inn, mostly along Lottsford Rd. Along
the way, we saw someone being ticketed on the other side of the road.
(and again upon our return later, another one being ticketed.)
Parking was at a premium when we arrived at Old Towne. When we
entered, there were about three steps up into the restaurant proper.
It was crowded. One of the two cops standing there told us it would
be at least a 45 minute wait. Ugh. We thanked them for the info and
decided to go to Outback, which we had noticed on our way there. It
took us awhile to find it because we did not go far enough down
Lottsford. We did find it and once seated, anxiously awaited our
food. I ordered a garlic roasted filet with potato and broccoli and
Angela also ordered some scrumptious meat. I devoured my meal but ¾
of the way through, began having piggy pains of an over stuffed
goose. Real pains. It also pained me to have to leave some of my
food, but I did. The discomfort lasted most of the rest of the
evening. Not what one should be feeling the night before the dreaded
Meet packet contained a pretty nifty, high class, booklet, detailing
event schedule, including number of heats an event might have based
on number of participants in that age group. (This was a six lane
track, except for the 60m which had an additional two. ) It also
listed every official! (A nice feature for the officials who work
tirelessly during such a meet as this.) The Meet organizers (hosted
and planned by Potomac Valley Track Club) had also been good about
pre-Meet informational emails. All in all, I thought the organizers
did a bang up job. (There was one hiccup, if it could be called that,
described later.)
March 16. The dreaded 400m.
It was
dang freezing! 36 degrees with wind gusting to 34 during our
outings outside. Angela and I got there in plenty of time to check
in (actually, too early so we had to wait until later.)
A note about
the spike check: they chose to wrap a yellow (or was it blue?) tape
on the end of a shoelace. Several times during the event, this wrap
thing came off. I had it replaced a few times then just forgot about
it. No one ever looked any way!
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Angela removing cold weather wrappings |
spent the time slowly warming up. Walking, with some leg kicks and
butt kicks interspersed. I was not about to do lunges until my knees
warmed up, else they would bark. I trotted the track with Coreen
Steinbach and then transferred to the warmup area, eventually
jogging slowly then picking up my pace as knees felt okay.
Eventually Rose Green and Mary Robinson showed up to
also warm up for the 400m. I did not yet see Marie-Louise
Michelsohn, who was supposed to be running the 400m. Mary
was being careful not to stress her knees which were criss-crossed
with KT Tape. Not being capable of running 100% this outing, the race
would therefore be between Marie-Louise and Rose. While warming up, I
saw a lady who resembled Marie-Louise but it was not. Come time to
check in and no Marie-Louise. She did not show. Well, okay. Too
bad. I am not nervous. Well, maybe. I worry that I will not get
beyond 300m without having to drastically slow up or walk. There are
four of us since Marie-Louise did not show: Mary Robinson, Rose
Green, me, and Angela Staab.
watched the 80 year olds run their 400m. Jeannie Daprano led
from the start and retained the lead as expected. We were led onto
the track. I was in lane 6, Rose in 5, Mary in 3 and Angela in 4. I
may have started with a few fast steps but then just tried to keep a
steady pace as Rose passed me while we rounded the curve into the
backstretch. I sensed that Mary was near but I tried to keep up with
Rose. We rounded the curve towards the break line (cones) that would
allow the runners to move into lane 1 once we passed beyond them.
Remembering well my hesitation 4 years earlier in an Indoor 400, I
sped up to cut into lane one before Mary got there and then I stayed
on Rose's heels – in fact too close so I backed off when we turned
back into the backstretch again. I stayed near Rose as we traversed
the length of the back area. About half way around the last curve I
pulled out into lane two to try to pass Rose. Now we were both
heading down towards the finish line. I still had enough energy to
keep pushing and as we closed on the Finish, Rose pulled ahead enough
to take it by 2/10 of a second. What I did not realize until looking
at the video yesterday, is that several times Mary was right on my
heels and almost on me – once when we headed towards the cones, she
had the edge until I sped up to cut in and then at the last turn,
once again she was right there. I was only aware of Rose while on
the final backstretch and heading to the Finish. Had Mary's knees
been better she would have probably passed me somewhere in that run.
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Rose, after win. |
I felt
good at the end because I had managed to finish without walking and
had felt as if I was running as fast as I could without my legs
giving out and my breathing hanging in there. Probably the best I
have felt in a 400m except for the Jan 21 JDL outing when I thought I
had done well only to discover I was slower. This time, I was faster
than at JDL so I was happy. After returning home, I wondered if I
had cut into lane two too soon thereby using up energy I could have
used in the last 60m or so. However, had I waited, I might not have
had enough distance left to even get close to Rose. Those split
second decisions based on partial prior experience are not always
correct and each race is different from the last. One is a different
person physically in one way or another. Rose was off that particular
day, allowing me to get close.
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and so it goes |
still had to figure out who would be the fourth in our 4x200 relay.
Mary Robinson had found that there was no NON CLUB 4x200
record in our age group. So, we needed someone no younger, which left
out a few potentials. We were going to try for Kathy Bergen
if she was not running the relay with her SoCal Striders group.
Turns out they had asked her to run with their younger group but
Kathy had opted not to run any relay since the relays were at night
and the prelims for the 200m was early Sunday morning. (IF all showed
up. Two of those registered had not shown up for other races, so
there was a possibility that if they did not show, we would not have
a prelim.) But we had to be there at check in nonetheless before 7
a.m. So, here we were, Mary, Angela, and I with no fourth. Barbara
Hensley was too young, Jeanne Daprano, though older, was
fast, but was running with her Atlanta Track Club. Someone discovered
that Carolyn Langenwalter, , the next age group up from us,
barely, was not running with anyone, so we enlisted her and she was
delighted to be able to run a relay.
and I and Kevin Gobble our Piedmont Pacer leader, there for
one day to compete in the 3000m, sat and watched the afternoon
We watched the men's 400m races. Several men had to pull up
with what seemed to be hamstring issues. One, just after first turn
into the finish side straightaway, and another at the far end, just
as entering that curve. Angela said the most dangerous time for
pulling muscles in that event is while in an inner lane and
accelerating while in the turn. She indicated that most came out of
the curve before accelerating unless in an outer lane. She had broken
a leg in CA. during a National Senior Games event when speeding up in
a turn. We watched younger Piedmont Pacer Matt Holtry attempt
the 1500m race walk. He had not had a great experience in his prior
attempt, so had been practicing and was hopeful. Prior to his event
we had watched the women compete, several of whom were yellow carded
then DQed. Despite the strict rules for this event, there still were
different styles evident. This is not an event I would try for even
100m! Matt finished his race walk without a hitch, winning his age
group. I bet his shins were barking when done.
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Angela greeting Kevin Gobble, in from the cold! |
of the number of race walkers etc., Kevin's 3000m event would start
too late for him to make his flight back home from BWI. He had been
in town for work and had hoped to compete but it was not to be.
for that length of time had made bionic Angela feel uncomfortable.
She was ready to get back to the hotel.
evening, Friday, Angela and I decided to try to get to Old Towne Inn
early so as to beat the crowd. We managed even to get a decent
parking spot. I ordered
shrimp tossed in a spicy alfredo ajun sauce with julienne red pepper
and green onions, served on top of penne pasta.
usually do not order shrimp but this sounded SO good! And again, I
was hungry. It took quite awhile for our meals to arrive so I dug
in. It was good. But after the preceding evening, I knew when to
stop, so unfortunately had to leave some food still on the plate. But
at least I left not in pain!
Saturday March 17,
still very cold but not as windy. Today, because there was a
competing gymnastics event, the track folk were banished to the far
outer limits parking area. From there, we could see the FEDEX
stadium, home of the Washington Redskins. Huge. The walk back up to
the venue was delightful in the chill. Saturday I had the 60m and
Angela and I both had afternoon shot put and the evening 4x200 relay.
Today, I had more than Rose and Mary to contend with. It was a
forgone conclusion to me that Kathy Bergen would be out there
way in front. Two of the registered competitors did not show up, so
there were five of us. We watched the older group (hah! Most not
much older than me, except for 102 year old Julia Hawkins!)
Julia was there with her red outfit and flower in her hair. She was
running with the 80-84s and one 85 year old. The 80s consisted of a
competitive group - Christel Donley, Flo Meiler, Carolyn
Langenwalter, and two other ladies. It was a very competitive
race between the first three finishers with only hundreths of a
second separating them. Julia trotted down the track in her steady no
nonsense way, to a battery of photogs and reporters.
group lined up. Kathy, Mary and Rose were to my right and Jane
Simpson to my left. They got us ready but then called a halt
twice. It seems the reporters at the far end interviewing Julia were
blocking the finish area. I do wonder why they were not moved off
the track, out of the way. I expect there was a psychological impact
of priming for a start and then not going. In my case, I had decided
to try to use one block to push off from (versus a 3-point start).
When the gun went off, I was the last to get going and watched the
others, except for Jane, rush down the straight away. I managed to
catch up to Mary though I don't recall much of that event other than
my cruddy start. It was not my worst start but the usual last to get
going start. Kathy (9.88)and Rose(10.78) had long since finished by the time I
came across the line. No news there!
watched some of the subsequent groups run the 60m: The battle between
Joy Upshaw and Sandy Triolo with Joy winning by just
over 2/10 of a second; and in another AG the clear win of Jane
Barnes, my NC compatriot.
it came time for the shot put, it was in a side room. We competed in
a combined group of 75-84. One lady seemed to be a stickler for
rules and was questioning this or that before we started. I have
little tolerance for nit picking, but I guess for the Pros, it is
critical. Julia Hawkins was doing shot for the first time and
Christel Donley was explaining and showing her what to do and
to be aware of how to exit the circle. Christel is always helpful
that way. Fortunately, the nit picking and semi complaining ended
once we began throwing. Every one was courteous and supportive. The
competitors exhibited multiple styles of throwing. I think one did a
modified spin, most did some kind of windup, and some just threw. All
of the 80s threw farther than us younger ones! I managed not to foul
but after my first throw, everything was shorter. I tried to recall
how I had done the one good throw at Outdoors in Baton Rouge but
apparently, I never found it. Needs work.
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Barbara Warren |
we had the relay scheduled for 7:10 p.m. this meant we had to all be
there before 6:10 p.m., Angela and I decided we were going to eat
light somewhere before getting back to the hotel. We ended up at a
Chipotle not far from the hotel, where we both had salads.
were back at the track before check in time. The check in area was
swamped. It was truly chaos. People were looking for their
teammates, the check in crew was calling out for club age groups (was
that club or non club he called?) Really pandemonium from this
person's perspective though it may have all just been organized
chaos. As it got closer to 6:15, we were all there except for Mary.
We were beginning to panic. None of us had Mary's cell number.
Eventually Angela decided to go upstairs and use the rest room.
Carolyn was beginning to feel the pangs of disappointment; I was
immersed in a mental cocoon – no feeling at all, withdrawing into
nothingness. However, eventually, I got worried when Angela had not
yet returned. We were falling apart. The clerk was still calling
Clubs. Angela returned then Mary strolled up, not the least bit
worried, having been through this mess numerous times before. The
USATF Masters Indoor Championships article by Castro, Seto,
and photog Rob Jerome in
National Masters
News stated that there were 160 relay teams registered. 640 folks
crowded in the check in area of the venue! No wonder it was crowded!
watched some of the men's longer relays. One in particular was
dramatic. The Men's 40 to 49 Club relay. 4 laps each runner. The
anchor of the Garmin Runners, Mark Williams took the baton and
sped off, increasing the lead substantially even before rounding the
far bend. His lead kept increasing through two and a half laps. By
the third lap he began losing speed (or the pack increased theirs.)
The pack was closing in on the last bend. There was about a 20m gap
between Williams and the lead runner of the following pack as they
came down the finish stretch. Williams just made it across the
Finish before being over taken. The effort so exhausted him that he
fell across the Finish covering his and part of the adjacent lane and
stayed there, as the other runners veered around to finish. The man
gave more than his all to bring the win home to his team.
club teams, men before women, ran before the non club and in the
order of longest distance to shortest (800m relays to 200m relays).
Rose Green was going to run the 4x200 with the Potomac Valley
Track Club with three other ladies who were either new to track and
relay or used to a more leisurely distance outing. Having the 200m
early morning prelim ahead, she was fine with not killing herself on
this relay. I couldn't wait to watch! They had to run against the
Atlanta Track club big guns in the 70-74 AG. Atlanta had 81 year old
Daprano and Potomac had 79 year old Rose. Just looking at the ages is
SO deceptive. These ladies dispel any thoughts of great grandma in
her rocking chair. So when Rose's team came out, I was surprised to
see some of her folks jogging at a decent pace around the track. No
one walked . (More than could be said for myself at times.)
When the non club
women were led to the infield about an hour beyond original pre-Meet
scheduled time, some had already bagged it. Of the 4 teams listed,
one did not start. While waiting, I watched the last of the women's
club teams compete in the 4x200. Charlotte Track Club won their
4x200 45-49 AG with Anne Sluder, Kris Kazebee, Lane Wilton,
and Melanie Walker. Joy Upshaw's Jackrabbits (love
this name) won their 50-54 AG.
Clubs do not have fancy names. We are assigned non club A, B, etc.
When the time came, our three non club teams lined up. The lead on
the track and the rest of us off to the side in the order in which we
would follow. Mary Robinson was our lead off, she would hand
off to Angela Staab who in turn would hand off to Carolyn
Langenwalter, who then would pass to me. As was expected, the
younger 35-39 team came roaring around to hand off followed by the
60-69 team with Susan Loyd, Amanda Scotti, Jane Barnes, and
Leanda Funk. This team set a new American (USA) non club
record finishing in 2:24.05. The thirty year olds (McAllister, Edwards, and two others) finished first in
1:56.53. We did not look too shabby in our runs around the track.
Mary handed off expertly to Angela who took her bionic hip around the
track in a nice clip then handed to Carolyn who was darn speedy. She
was so speedy, I miscalculated and stood too long before moving
because she came up on me faster than I anticipated so, once again, I
glitched up a handoff. Meanwhile, Angela on the infield is yelling at
me that we were going to set a record. I just want to focus on
getting the baton and not dropping it. (I am a b.... when focusing
during an event) any way, I took off and maybe halfway down the back
stretch knew that my legs were not up to par. They were not moving
as I had hoped. Oh, well. I managed to get to the finish. Our time
am still gasping off the track when Mary says look at our teammate
and she is looking back to the infield area. I turn around and there
is Angela, sitting in a chair by the edge with some men attending to
her. Excitable Angela finished her evening in a grand way, which I am
bound neither to relate nor show the photo I later took. Another
hallmark that adds to our relay sagas. (Along with the baton that
travels to and from Meets never to be used.)
March 18
has the 800m and a weight and super weight throw and we both have the
200m on the agenda for Sunday. The 200m is scheduled for 8 a.m., a
conflict with Angela's weight throw. We made sure to get to the
venue (again having to park in the outer limits) well before 200m
check in time of 7a.m. As we enter the building, Kathy Bergen
is leaving dragging her stuff behind her. She said the 200m was a
rollover. Aha! The two who had not shown for earlier events still
had not appeared. We headed to check in any way so they would see
that we had met the requirement. Mary and Rose also checked in, so
now we were set for a 12:23 200m Final.
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Legends Mary Hartzler and Barbara Warren |
went off to do her weight throws and I watched the ladies throw that
hunk of metal. Not something I am likely to try. One wrong move and
sciatica might return. Barbara Warren was there for that,
squeezing it in among her many events. Hurdles were now ruled out as
something happened during Friday's pentathlon events such that her
inner knee was not happy. (later determined to be a torn MCL and
possible meniscus injury.) She did win her weight (5.45kg) and super
weight (9.08kg) throw AG as did Mary Hartzler (also not quite
100%) in her younger AG. Mary Robinson and Roslyn Katz
swapped victories in the weight (4kg) and super weight (7.26kg)
throws, with Mary taking the super weight. Angela and Jane Simpson
also did a swap of third and fourth, with Angela getting third in
super weight.
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Mary Robinson throwing weight |
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Angela Staab throwing weight |
won her 800m event. She only walked a little bit once but mostly
kept up her steady pace, increasing her lead. National Masters
Champion to add to her relay results Then came the 60-64 AG 800m. I
knew Lesley Hinz had her sights set on that (as well as the
mile the following Tuesday in NC's JDL Fasttrack). Four times
around. She led from the start and by the time she was on the last
lap had a good lead . Good enough to give her the win and a new
World Record with a time of 2:36.57 (Debbie Lee, second,
finished in 2:58.77) And, indeed, the next week she set a new Indoor
World record in the Mile (5:43.75) Coreen Steinbach handily
won her 800m (2:59.49).
were five of us in the 200m. Kathy Bergen, Rose Green, Mary
Robinson, Angela Staab, and me. I have a slip of paper
tacked to a kitchen door which has the 100m and 200m times of Kathy
and Rose – it's been there for a number of years. Inspirational
and a motivator? These days, I ought to just salute and say good
going, ladies! I enjoy the 200m and below events. Just to get out
there to see how fast I can run – to get that feeling of going all
out. I think I skipped the block this time and just did my three
point start. Kathy blasted off with Rose chasing her. The rest of
us chased them. Kathy (35.90), Rose (37.92). In the end, I did run a
little faster than I had in January, but not that much faster.
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Angela Staab and Rose Green |
Barnes won her 200m (34.58) with a very close race for second and
third between Hannah Phillips (35.07)and Coreen Steinbach
in all, it was a well run Meet, from my perspective. Peter Taylor
and Lisa Rosborough did a seamless job of announcing
throughout the Meet. The officials were flawless.
My times were also a
bit better than at my prior Meet. This was the last Indoor for me.
Three. Next year, probably two since I will skip the Youth and Open
Meet. Folks like William “barefoot” Rhoad go to as many
Meets as they can that are within a driving distance and do as many
events as they can in a Meet. He keeps improving or holding his own
as a result he just loves to compete as does his cohort Barbara
had me go off the road at Lorton (after a very long crawl to the exit
while the none exiting lanes zipped by). We seemed to wind here and
there. I did notice a very interesting community on a river or large
waterway that had a nice mix of townhomes and homes. WAZE also died
(went into limbo – directing me somewhere I was not headed) not too
far from home.
up is the first Outdoor Meet tomorrow American Masters track &
Field Championships in Durham, NC. Barbara Warren and William
Rhoad and Angela will be there as will some others from Landover. I
am three plus pounds heavier. Supposedly it will be in the 80s
during the day.
1 comment:
Louise, you did an absolutely wonderful job with this detailed accounting of your meets, especially the big one in Landover. Thank you for acknowledging me. You really capture the spirit of the events and of dining out in strange places.
Peter Taylor
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